AH01797: client denied by server configuration

If you have recently converted from Apache 2.2 to 2.4 you may notice messages in the error log like this: [Wed Mar 23 13:08:11.163913 2016] [access_compat:error] [pid 19243:tid 140019733808896] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xx:16275] AH01797: client denied by server...

Possible PHP-FPM Security Issue

A Note for PHP-FPM Users If you are using PHP-FPM to process your PHP files in Apache, you may have a security risk. A common way to access the PHP-FPM service is by using mod_rewrite to direct files (with the appropriate extension) to it.  This works well until you...

Staff Directory Plug-in Hack For Ordering

If you are using this Staff Directory plug-in Version 1.0.2 you know that there is no way to control the order of the entries.  We have modified the file called classes\staff_directory_shortcode.php to add this feature.  You can download the file in a ZIP file from...


Have you ever been confused about IMAP and POP3 when setting up your device to access your email account? With careful setup you can access all your email from all your devices; avoid going over-quota at the mail server; and have a single location where all your...